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forward premium中文是什么意思

用"forward premium"造句"forward premium"怎么读"forward premium" in a sentence


  • 远期升水
  • "forward"中文翻译    adv. 1.向前,前进 (opp. backward) ...
  • "premium"中文翻译    n. 1.超票面价格,溢价;加价;贴水,升水。 2.奖赏 ...
  • "premium on forward exchange contract" 中文翻译 :    买卖远汇溢价
  • "premium on forward exchange contracts" 中文翻译 :    买卖远汇溢价
  • "a premium" 中文翻译 :    按溢价计算; 奇缺的; 在票面价值以上
  • "at a premium" 中文翻译 :    (股票)超过票面以上的价格; 按溢价计算;按升水价格计算; 超过 票面 之 价值; 超过面值; 超过票面以上的价格(股票); 超过票面之价值; 升水,超过票面以上价格; 以高价; 溢价
  • "at premium" 中文翻译 :    按溢价,按高于票面价值; 升水溢价; 溢价发行
  • "premium" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.超票面价格,溢价;加价;贴水,升水。 2.奖赏,奖励;奖金;奖状,奖品;【桥牌】奖分。 3.保险费。 4.佣金;(利息;工资等以外的)酬金。 5.额外费用。 6.学费;习艺费。 a premium for 为…而发的奖金。 at a premium (股票)以超过票面以上的价格;〔比喻〕非常需要,极受重视 (opp. at a discount) (It sells at a premium of 20 percent. 这是加二卖出的)。 pay a premium for 付…佣金。 put [set, place] a premium on 诱发;助长,促进;鼓励;奖励。
  • "forward" 中文翻译 :    adv. 1.向前,前进 (opp. backward)。 2.【航海】在船头,向船头(opp. aft)。 3.今后,将来。 4.出来,出现,表面化。 F-! 【军事】前进! from this time forward 今后。 backward(s) and forward(s) 来回地,前前后后。 carriage forward 运费由收货人照付。 date forward 【商业】预填日期,填未来的日期〔如期票上所填若干日之后的日期〕。 help forward 促进。 look forward 向前看;期待,希望 (look forward to sb.'s visit 等待某人来访)。 put forward 提出(计划、意见等)。 put [set] oneself forward 出面,挺身而出。 rush forward 冲向前。 send forward 打发;发出。 adj. 1.前方的;前面的。 2.【航海】船前部的。 3.前进的,进步的,急进的。 4.在时令前的,过早的;早熟的。 5.热心的,争先恐后的;鲁莽的,唐突的。 6.【商业】预约的,预定的,预先的,期货的。 a forward contract 预约。 a forward crop 早熟作物。 a forward march 进军。 a forward payment 预付货款。 forward prices [rates] 期货价格。 a forward rally 【军事】前方集结地区。 the forward ranks 先头部队。 the forward rale 带头作用。 a forward school 促进派,急进派,求进取的一派。 a forward spring 早来的春天。 a forward pupil 名列前茅的学生。 be forward in [with] one's work 工作有进展。 be forward to help 助人为乐。 n. 1.(足球、篮球等的)前卫,前锋。 2.期货;远期外汇。 vt. 1.促进,助长;促成,推进(计划等);促进(植物)发育〔cf. force〕。 2.转交(信件)、寄出(信件);送到,运送(货物)。 3.【装订】把(书帖)叠齐订好〔为粘贴封面作好准备〕。 forward a plan 推进一项计划。 Please forward my mail to my new address. 本人已迁居,来信请转新址。 Please forward ! 请转交!
  • "forward in" 中文翻译 :    前内
  • "forward to" 中文翻译 :    转发到
  • "no forward" 中文翻译 :    不转递
  • "www forward" 中文翻译 :    前进
  • "option premium or premium o" 中文翻译 :    期权费
  • "forward-forward" 中文翻译 :    对远期
  • "aadditional premium" 中文翻译 :    附加保险费
  • "aaddtional premium" 中文翻译 :    附加保险费
  • "aage premium" 中文翻译 :    船龄保险费
  • "accelerating premium" 中文翻译 :    累进奖金制; 累进性奖金
  • "acquisition premium" 中文翻译 :    收购溢价
  • "additional premium" 中文翻译 :    补缴地价; 超额保费 五、货物的保险; 额外保险费; 附加保险费; 附加额外保费; 加额保费; 追加保费; 追加保险费
  • "adjustable premium" 中文翻译 :    可调整保险费; 可调整的保费
  • "adjustment premium" 中文翻译 :    经调整的保费
  • "adsense premium" 中文翻译 :    要详细了解
  • "amortization of premium" 中文翻译 :    保险费的摊提, 溢价的摊销; 溢价摊销


  • I am glad , of course , to see that the forward premium has settled down
  • There is now no correlation between the forward premium for the renminbi and that for the hong kong dollar
  • We in the hkma watch the forward premium or discount in the hong kong dollar s exchange rate quite closely
  • Putting the one - year forward premium for the hong kong dollar alongside and extending the chart over a longer period see
  • The forward premium , in terms of 12 - month money , reached a high of 368 pips in mid - october before easing to 170 pips at the end of 2002
  • And so the hong kong dollar strengthened , sharply by the standards of our linked exchange rate system , and the forward premium became a forward discount in a matter of a few hours
  • But economic crisis in argentina merely caused a blip of less than a hundred points that lasted for a few days . by contrast , at the height of the asian financial crisis , the forward premium hit nearly 6000 points
  • The rises in the forward premium were most notable in march and october , and were largely attributable to concerns about the widened budget deficit and renewed public concerns about the link
  • On the monetary front , it is particularly pleasing to see strengthened support , and enhanced confidence in the outlook , for the currency , as the forward premium in the exchange rate fell markedly to historically low levels
  • Indeed , for some time , there had been a significant forward premium on the exchange rate , although its size varied with the coming and going of people , and the occurrence of whatever events considered by the market , in its unpredictable mood , to be relevant
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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